SoCS: March

March has been taken in a bit of a stride around here. To begin with I haven’t felt like I have had enough time to sit down and really focus on writing or reading or pretty much anything that will bring joy. Instead I have found myself resorting to hibernation mode on the days where I could have had some time to get things done; then afterwards kicking myself for wasting time.

Yes, at the beginning of March, I was already to march into the sunrise, head full of goals to complete and a list of things to do: yet somewhere along the way I got lost.

Do you ever get those days where you just feel you have had enough so you sit down and take a breather and some selfish time to yourself, and suddenly a few hours have been lost. Well that was my month of March really. Then tonight I find that I have literally lost an hour (darn those stupid time switches), and suddenly I feel awake again and aggrieved at all the time lost.

It keeps ticking whether we make the most of it or whether we waste it: and I guess we all need to feel as though we are wasting our time in order to do something about it.

So I shake my fist at you March, you have been my downfall and now I am protesting! Give me back my time and we shall have no more quarrel!

*marches off into the night and slams the door*


Take a read through the other SoCS posts over at Linda G Hill’s blog


  1. Great response! Not a waste Ginni it was battery recharging time, you were preparing mentally for the storm of ideas and words that will hit in April… April blooms remember. πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‡

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  2. I was doing sooo well until the start of this week… And then it all fell apart. Hoping to get back into my stride very soon – in the meantime, I found your post both funny and reassuring. Thank you!

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