A Plea and a Prayer

Stay at home they said,
Stay safe, stay well.
Stay at home they said,
Hold tight and dwell.

Social distance, they said:
if you have to work
Social distance they said.
Don’t be a jerk!

Stay home, stay safe;
protect fellow beings.
Stay home, stay safe,
Is not what we’re seeing.

Clusters of people
on buses and trains.
Key workers suffering,
stresses and strains.

Construction and flooring,
are not what we need!
Essentials and vitals:
not glamour or greed.

Please stop what you’re doing.
Please heed what’s been said,
Please all support this.
Before we’re all dead.

SoCS – My Precious

OK so my stream of consciousness Saturday became a stream of consciousness Sunday but I think it still works 😀

If you want to check out the rules or read some other great blogs turn please check the link to see Linda G Hill


‘My precious, my precious.’

His bony fingers turned the gold band over and over as he rocked back and forth happy in the knowledge that his true love was back in his hands once again.

I always felt that Smeagol or Gollum whichever face you choose to bestow upon him received a bad rap for his outwardly creepy exterior. Perhaps if he were the handsome hero and the ring had been his female counterpart then being so blindly obsessed would have been considered sweet or endearing for his persistence. If he were the guy who fought for his true love and never gave up, the one in the film that had been deserted, rebuffed yet got himself back together to fight for the girl. If he had been the knight in shining armour, fighting through wild forests and battling the dragon to get that princess back in his arms again then they would have all loved him unconditionally.

Yet because the source of affection is just a placid lump of metal the whole passions of the creature becomes trivial and humorous. So funny in fact that in a cinema when the scene between Smeagol and Gollum came on and he had an argument with himself over his precious, a huge wave of laughter began and made everyone turn and stare.

Except myself who was too busy shrinking down in my seat trying to pretend I wasn’t with that date!

Timing is so precious!


It bubbles beneath the skin,
Small ripples emanating from the core of a wounded heart.
Tiny lingering flecks of closeted anxiety,
Compressed with age and hidden by tenacity.
Living fossils that once roamed freely within her soul,
Tearing through the ages and spreading corruption,
Flavoring her every passing thought – her actions.
An excruciating monologue jammed into a loop
– and stuck fast.
What was once a whole sea of anger, now lingers a quiet resignation.
Yet I feel it. Simmering, festering, a silent volcano,

Waiting to submerge.


This poem was written using inspiration supplied by Sammie Cox and the Weekend Writing Prompt was ‘submerge with a word count of 86.

If you want to join in you can check out her blog over at sammiscribbles


SoCS – The Card

It lay there – relentless.

It’s wide open face trying to lure me in with fake promises of innocence and plausible deniability. Yet I could sense the danger; see the evil glint in it’s googly eye.

Every so often I came across it, usually in the big grand clear out of hoarded cupboards, of drawers, of boxes, of past lives. Yet every year it survives. The single birthday card destined to be sent out yet never quite reaching it’s full potential.  Instead it lingers, ticking away at my mind and forcing me to recall memories of things past and left unsaid.

Oh, I know I could throw it in the dustbin or send it off to someone else to save the waste yet I just can’t bring myself to do it. The stupid humour on it was perfect for our little ‘in jokes’ that nobody else could understand and I knew you would appreciate the line of the poem I’d picked out and inserted especially for you – nobody else would have made the connection.

And yet I can’t send it now either.

Instead I clear it away, packed back into a shoebox, left to fester amongst the half burned candles and dried out roses. Left in the box of memories that mean the whole world and yet nothing at all.



This piece was written using the ‘card’ prompt by Linda G Hill as inspiration. If you want to join in or just check out some inspired writing then please check out her blog for rules and more.



I need to update –

Refresh, revive, to stay alive

A new mandate

And all that jive

The stagnant air needs to be cleared

Cobwebs have to disappear

This apathetic soul  must fade

Create a chance to be remade

No longer stifled, strained by fear

We’ll have no sadness, no more tears

To make a break to brighter plains

Transformation: life’s true aim

28th October SOCS: The Witch from Norwich


Which witch was it that stole my sandwich?

I bet it was that one form Norwich,

she’s always eyeing my tasty pies and snacks,

what a hack – I’ll put her in a sack!

And tie her to the post in town

where all the kids can see her frown

and throw pumpkins, and other things

at her face and scowl, until she sings

Until she owns up to being a thief

and causing me to stand and seethe

Just you wait you  silly witch

How dare you mess with my sandwich!



Ok so this was a fun prompt! Go join  in the fun with   Linda G Hill – SOC Prompt